As you know every year there is a challenge called #artvsartist in most social networks… The challenge consists only in doing a mosaic with you in the center surrounded by examples of your work as an artist (It can be traditional art, photography, crafts).
Above: Me, Sunday 20th of January 2019. Rainy day, damp floor, crisp air and the greenest moss
The beginning of 2019 came with so many resolutions, I’m struggling to keep up but going at my pace… Nothing is done until it’s done, like one of my forthcoming songs says, so I have set my goals with no deadline, I just follow the task list and cross out a couple of things every day. Most important one is to nurture myself back to full health and for that I have started jogging again, fixing my messed sleep schedule, tidying my working environment and of course the best therapy of all… Nature.
This song is about a longing for freedom that we learn to find eventually within ouselves. It was written is a little reprise of Away (one of the songs included in my first album Ancient Shadows back in 2006 that you can actually find at my youtube) but this version had different melody and lyrics and was never included in the albums. Lyrics are included at the end of this post. It has only been performed live during concerts usually with Hammered Dulcimer. I recorded a Live unedited version in July 2018 but last December my long time supporter and fellow singer Kenneth Élan aka Greenhearted from Puerto Rico recorded some harmonies over the live version. He did with permission to be an official release here, on my youtube and patreon .
Here you can watch the video
Click Above to watch the video. If you have time, visit my youtube channel and leave us our feedback there or consider to “subscribe” Thank you 🙂
Download the mp3 for free from Patreon . Thank you very much to all my patrons especially those who “fly with me” (tier) Adrian Nunn, Rhianon Hutchinson and Alfredo Armas.
Male vocal harmonies by Kenneth Elan aka. Greenhearted. Please visit his youtube channels Acoustic Dreams and Greenhearted
Above: Puerto Rican singer Kenneth Élan
Away Reprise (Lyrics)
Oh so lost within and nourished by pain this tangle of fears the bars of my cage And ravened within this broken bird is yearning to fly is yearning to reach the sky But I’m longing to break through that silken gossamer veil gauzy clouds weave with silver threads and fly with the winds that carry me away Away… Away… I wish I were safe back in my shell far beyond the furthest end far away….
The term Dryad derives from the Greek Drys meaning “Oak” and refers to female tree spirits or Nymphs inhabiting these trees.
I went hiking yesterday (7th of January). I was intending to reach a cave as suitable filming location for a forthcoming videoclip. Unfortunately I couldn’t make it to final location but that I enjoyed the walk through the wintry woods and all through the way I found the most singular trees, mostly gnarled oaks
According to Mythology the term “Dryad” comes from “Dryos” meaning Oak or Tree, and this female minor deities were guardians for the forests, groves and trees in general that they would protect fiercely. Those who were linked to a the life of a particular tree (being born and dying when the tree would perish) would be named with the term Hamadryad (from “together” and “tree”) and would have different names depending on the tree to which their existence were tied to. Dryads would have great longevity and would only pass away once the tree they inhabited had died. Fierce protectors and guardians, this wood spirits of shy nature would have shapeshifting powers.
In Roman mythology their counterparts are known as Querquetulanae, or Nymphs of the Oak groves. As we know Quercus is also the Genus the many species of Oak trees belong to, being one of the most popular the European Oak or Quercus Robur (meaning robust Oak).
Free album download. Lost Frontier Christmas Sampler including my Christmas Carol “In the Bleak Midwinter” as well as other 19 tracks (some original) and all written for this compilation
So here a belated Christmas present that as Three Wise men gift. Like every year Lost Frontier ( a well known New Age podcast in Spain) makes a compilation of exclusive recordings and Winter/Christmas songs absolutely FREE. I participated last year as well and this year I included my version of “In the Bleak Midwinter” but you can download the entire album for free and enjoy also some original soft electronic and New Age compositions by a long time family of New Age composer. This article also includes the cover, back and inlay so you can print it and have it in your collection but for more information and download visit the official link
As I wrote in my previous entry, I entered this 2019 full of resolutions, but one thing that was clear to me is that I wanted to spend the first day outdoors, grounding, healing and connecting with Nature. And so off we went to look for an item we had lost just a few days prior when we were filming for a forthcoming video, not hoping to find it but enjoying to retrace our trail back. And It was found… which I consider a sign of good luck… Because that is precisely one of feelings I want to cherish… You may think you’ve lost something yet you might not.
Happy New Year. Wishing all my fellow friends a lovely closing of the year, and the will and determination you may need to succeed in your resolutions. I am going to share mine in this post.The Wheel of the year starts again.. A fresh start..
If you fail the first time you can always try again
I am writing this as a free write because one of the things I’d like to change is not to overthink things so much. Sometimes I’m a perfectionist and that makes that I don’t finish things, or that I don’t share them at all… some works have been forever “being completed”. I want to be more spontaneous and share more “works in progress”. There is always time for “polishing”
Every year I do a Christmas / Yule / Winter Special, this is the fourth year in a row and here is my version and video of the traditional Christmas/Yuletide Carol “In the Bleak Midwinter” (Public Domain) performed by myself and featuring my “deer” friend Hirvi and filmed mostly in Navarre, Spain where I’m fortunate to live. With this I want to wish all my friends, followers and supporters our best wishes from Yidneth Studio (me and @hedac). It was released last Friday Night (the longest night of the year) though I’m sharing it now as yesterday I made a special performance/concert to celebrate the solstice.
My new music video greeting card for 2018 Holidays
Promotional Flyer / Poster of Yuletide Concert by Priscilla Hernandez, 22nd December (Lizaso, Navarra)
Merry Yule! Winter Solstice is the longest Night of the year but also the rebirth of light… all days will be longer now on. Thus we celebrate the Solstice with a live performance at “Granja Escuela Ultzama” (Lizaso, Navarra). I will perform along with my partner Héctor Corcín and with I will also bring my fellow fairy friend María (Nekara) as assistant to weave all the magic. The concert is entitled “The Magic of Winter” and includes my original songs as well as some of my Christmas Specials, including “In the Bleak Midwinter” that I have recorded for the current season.