As I told in my previous post some of the posts I will share in December are going to have a very Christmas or Yuletide (Winter) vibe. I am myself a December child as I was born mid December, so for me it’s a very special time of the year, a time of new resolutions.
I write this article to draft a glimpse of the background story behind this tradition of using “Evergreen” during the closing of the year, Winter or Yule. But also I take the chance to say how sad is that millions of trees are chopped just for the sake of this tradition. If you must use a real tree, please consider to buy it in a pot instead of chopped off, even deprived of light it might make it if you plant it again after the festivities are over.
Continue reading “The Origins of Christmas trees and Xmas Worship + a Sad Fairy Christmas Fairytale”