So Walpurgis Night is over and we have woken into Beltane, halfway between Spring and Summer.
When Spring and Summer collides A promise of life as birds and butterflies unfold their wings. Longer, warmer days to grow and rise Splatters of vivid colours over the Spring green canvas.
Above: Me exactly one year ago. My wings are based on the moth species Graellsia isabellae one of my favourite moths, the Spanish Luna
a rare moth that can be found precisely in the area I live, in the
North of Spain. There is even the only sanctuary of this species in the
world that I hope to visit soon as it’s almost the time to hatch out of
their chrysalis. I am so longing for the butterflies… in a few weeks
from now they are going to be everywhere.
This date is linked to the pagan celebration of Beltane in the Northern Hemisphere. Women usually dress in white or light colours that symbolize purity and wear floral garlands. It is thought the May Queen an ancient tree worship. We do not have these traditions in my country, but I still love to celebrate it my own way. This time of the year calls to be joyful and active reverencing the abundance of life.
NEW SINGLE and VIDEO. Video just premiered earlier today
The song is full of contradictions… ice and fire… hot and cold…
We yearn for love, sometimes it hurts, sometimes it’s raging fire, sometimes it makes us shiver…
Love is everything
What is love for you?
So here my new single, which is not a “new” song but it’s a brand
new recording and video. A “flame” rekindled from its ashes to shine
ablaze bright once more.
That is why we are constantly longing for it, searching for it… It’s an endless quest to find it, to keep it.
Love is an endless quest
I am burning in the flames of love and that’s the way that you do chill me to the bone
Love is a contradiction….
ties you with with knots
but makes you fly on its wings
Our endless quest
we long to find it and we fear to lose it
You must endure the challenges of this epic journey
This song is about love but it’s not a love song
Love is a …
This is a song about the contradictions of love and our endless quest for it… It’s a very old song of mine but the recording is brand new and this is its fist “official” release.
So Flame is out on Spotify and all digital retailers like amazon, youtubemusic, itunes and so on… there will be a videoclip in a couple of days but meanwhile I’m trying to gather your impressions of the new song
Have you ever hugged a tree? Does it sounds too hippy let me tell you what you’re missing 😉 and how it works.
One week ago me Héctor and I went out like we do almost every single weekend. A lovely early Spring day, a field full of blooms and there a glorious Evergreen tree all lush green already. It stood out as “King of the Hill” and so I hugged it…
A manificent Evergreen Oak
The Holm Oak (Evergreen or Holly Oak)
Quercus ilex is also known as “Evergreen Oak” Holly oak or Holm (ancient for “Holy”) Oak. They grow typically in the Mediterranean and are quite large in size. This particular one stood in the middle of a field, all crowned in green while the oak trees around it were barely budding their new leaves. That green has endured Winter and it almost felt like a “flash forward” into Summer.
Close your eyes, feel your wings spreading, you’re wandering through
the woods, all cloaked in sunset gold rays… Follow me along The Golden Path
I have edited this the past days taking a little break from a longer
project. I’ve been myself in a bit of a turmoil so was in the mood for
something EXTREMELY chill :). I hope you like it.
Above: Press PLAY to listen to the song and watch the video while you continue reading
Right out from the oven 🙂 I seriously need a better computer to edit
videos though… ! :/ I hope you like it… The mood is very relaxing
almost like walking into a lucid dream (those in which you are aware you
are dreaming)
Above: My song and music video “The Waking of Spring”. Click PLAY to listen while you keep on reading.
“The Waking of the Spring” is a Celtic uplifting seasonal song I wrote some years ago so you can feel like blooming the entire year. It talks about the life renewing during the Spring awakening. In this season I often sing it barefoot in the forest and I take my first baths in the creeks. I must say though, that today I woke to a wintry day and all was covered in snow but frail pale white and pink blossoms are facing the cold weather and buds are unfolding. Aren´t we longing to bloom? I am!
Today, 20th of March is the celebration of Ostara a Pagan celebration of the the Spring Equinnox in the Northern Hemisphere. Ostara is named after a Germanic Goddess of Spring and fertility The name means “to shine”. In the Equinox the length of the Day and Night is the same, the forces of Light and Darkness in balance, and now on days will be longer and brighter until next Solstice. A promise of life… as birds unfold their wings
Though the dormant Goddess of Spring is supposed to start to stir at Imbolc it is today when the season is considered to begin. It is also the date of the Druidry Festival Alban Eilir (The Light of the Earth). A time for growth and balance… the return to life until it reaches its full boom and peak on forthcoming Beltane (May Day Festival) where everything will be in full bloom. Splatters of colours, tender grass and animals coming out from their lairs. Soon the canopy of the forest will be lush and will rustle with its “new leaves” voice. Crown the tree with a lush and glorious green at the Waking of Spring
Despite having had a cold Winter this year the forest floor starts to fill with Daffodils and Crocuses… Here is a picture from last Sunday, taken while I was hiking. As you may know already I love Nature and I like to “forest bath” as much as possible. It is a source of inspiration and healing to me, and it has become my way of living.
They grow and thrive against all odds, Spring has awakened.
Melting icicles tearing sheer droplets
giving birth to glittering sprites
that rejoice and splash at the fountain
dazzling under the light
Graceful they sing in the newborn stream
gurgle and dance at the waking of the spring
A blooming warmth is filling the air
with tantalizing scents
and flourish now in the curve of your smile
of delicious lips so red
A promise of life
as birds unfold their wings
runs in our blood at the waking of the spring
Maidens wearing floral garlands
with a blush so healthy glowing on their cheeks
and barefoot as they gather
like nymphs playing by the creeks
Cover field with flawless beauty
Crown the tree with a lush and glorious green
The sounds that winter muted
now burst alive and sing
for the waking of the spring
la, la, la… la, la, io…
And craving for sun
our life and love renew
la, la, la… la, la, io…
and craving for sun
our life and love renew
The making of the video
Above: Part of the video was filmed in this fields that I can see from my window. I love the way the fields transform before my eyes. At the moment there are no flowers but it’s covered with vivid green grass.
Music and lyrics and all arrangements written by Priscilla Hernandez
Everything in this recording is acoustic:
Priscilla Hernandez (me): voice, lyrics, composition, harp, flutes, chalumeau, low whistle
Hector Corcin @hedac: Percussion and various, mixing and mastering
Armen Vartanyan: Violin
Svetlana Tovstukha: Cello
You can support me by downloading this song from Bandcamp
It was a stand-alone single that was never included in my albums though I will likely include it eventually in an acoustic compilation of songs inspired by Nature I have made throughout the years.
The video was filmed in a park in Barcelona and the rest of locations are in the countryside of Navarra, Spain where I currently live. The video was filmed and edited by @hedac and me. I made my own gown and dresses, except for the big floral garland (courtesy of Mimsy Crowns) and the white blooms crown (courtesy of Freckles Faerie Chest).
My harp was a gift from Rees Harps
I was new to harp and it is one of the first formal recordings I ever made playing it.
Fun random fact about this video and me
You can see me dancing… I cannot dance in public. Even in a party I would hide behind a curtains not to be noticed. It makes me feel extremely shy, and I certainly don’t have a talent for it, yet here I genuinely spun in joy. When performing on stage my movements are subtle and I often seek shelter behind my instruments… but I still am able to appreciate the “liberation” of it and shh…. sometimes I do in meadows and groves Sound of Music freestyle and vibe. That is the power Nature has over me and that the courage it bestows upon me.
My fufunchi starlet: Guest appearance of my rat Ritva
The video features a guest appearance of Ritva (now gone). She was one of my three rats (known as “fufunchis”). Ritva was a gorgeous white and grey husky rat, her name meaning Birch Branch.
She already had hind leg paralysis and was very old when we filmed this video. But this footage makes me remember her under the sun enjoying the smell of the garden flowers. I love you my sweet “fufunchi”. One of this days I will write about my rats, because I know there are still lots of prejudices against them and I think I might be able to change a few minds about it. They were amazing and left a deep imprint in my soul. In fact they are featured in many of my music videos, sometimes in hidden places (like Easter Eggs to be found). You were so beautiful my little branch, Mummy misses you!
All images and music are copyrighted to Priscilla Hernandez. All Rights Reserved.
New leaves unfolding, bare branches in full blossom… May you bloom and feel the warmth of Spring. And craving for Sun our life and love renew
Happy Saint Patrick’s Day (Patron of Ireland, country that has given
us so many Fairy myths and legends). I like Celtic music and play
myself Irish whistle and harp, and other traditional instruments that
are usually featured in my recordings. Though my reinterpretations and
original songs are not traditional, this influence is undeniable.
Though the tradition was born as a Christian celebration (being the death of the Patron Saint of Ireland) for me it’s a celebration of green.
First blooms in the forest growing on padded moss
So today is all about green… I love wearing green and usually wear
it the whole year to the point some of my friends and neighbours make
jokes about it as if I were some kind of pixie. I love green so much
that I classify my clothing in my wardrobe by “shades of green”… mossy
green, forest green… It´s a green that shifts through the seasons. A
green that becomes vibrant in Spring and muted in Winter.
Late winter into Spring… the green turns greener…
So Kermit the Frog once said It’s not easy being green. Today might be the easiest day to be, because it is told Leprechauns will pinch on you if you do not wear it.
And also as Kermit said… green is the colour I want to be. For me it
represents my “Mother Nature” which I like to worship. I hike regularly
(with my partner @hedac) and find it an enless source of inspiration.
Branches don’t stay bare forever
We have endured Winter, and yes, for some it’s been harsh, and
branches have faced winds and even some of them have broken all naked
and bare
These days I’m rejoicing to see the first budding leaves unfolding… if you care to see those little buds sprouting… they seem small but they’re a promise of life (and luck maybe)
and we must now remember it won’t be long until this happen again
And this is a message I leave to all of you for interpretation 🙂
All images are copyrighted to me and taken by me or along with @hedac
Crown and dress made by myself.
Meanwhile outside, the first leaves are starting to unfold… Pay
attention… You don’t want to miss this magical moment of
“transformation” . Light returns and all comes to life. Days are
longer… make the most of them!
I love the moment when the wintry bare forest starts to turn green. Now it’s time to grow.
By the way, I’ve never found a “four leaf clover” myself… wish me a little bit of “LUCK” to find one (and for all the things that matter to me). Best wishes back! The leaves of Shamrocks and common 3 leaf clovers are said to stand for faith, hope, love and the less common variants with four, luck. The “luck of the Irish” might be related to the fact that in that country is where these rare variants of clovers are more easily found.
So if you haven’t found your luck yet keep on searching, maybe it will find you
Daffodils (Narcissus) are the among the earliest flowers to bloom, an herald of Spring, symbols of “rebirth” and renewal and thus perfect to celebrate new cycles and beginnings. This is a picture taken yesterday when I was hiking. Though the forest is wintry and bare, clusters of yellow daffodils brought colour to it. The bulbs have endured the slumber of Winter… they are a sign of the “resilience” of Nature, coming in longer and more vivid clusters every Spring.
Above: Daffodils growing on a moody wintry day… advent of Spring
Such frail beauty inspires so much strength. New life growing from the barren land… It tells you life was not gone but dormant.
Daffodils (Narcissus)
In Wales there is a legend that says that if you see the first
Daffodil blooming you will be blessed with wealth for the rest of the
year… These may not be the first and wealth has many shapes and faces
that are not related with money… I have found it in their golden
petals and the lesson they convey, also in the love of people who care
about me.
Daffodils are also a symbol of friendship
In Victorian times they were also used as a symbol of friendship so this daffodil I’m holding is for you my “friends”, the ones that have supported me and make me find my place here.
All pictures are taken by me and my partner Héctor Corcín Has Spring started already where you live? Or maybe Autumn?
A little magical Incantation along with the Ravens… Filmed 9/2/2019 in Zuriza (Spain)
Trying my Christmas present: My A key tin whistle
The flute I’m playing was my self Christmas present, an alto Irish
tin Whistle in A key with an extra G hole. The maker is Shearwater
Whistles and though an affordable brand I was quite pleased with the
result. I bought if for myself on Christmas though I had to wait for it
to be done. I finally could film this video a couple of weeks ago.
Location and Recording
Location is Zuriza (Spain, close to France border) barely a few weeks
ago… It’s incredible how weather can change so drastically, it was
all wintry white and now leaves and blooms are unfurling. The footage
was filmed using a brand new toy, a handheld stabilized camera (Osmo
Pocket) who was gifted to me by @hedac to do more vlogs (yes, yes I know, I must do more!!)
I’m wearing my hat from my friends El Costurero Real, self knitted
mittens and a coat gifted by my friend Wui. It’s not leather but fabric
and faux fur.
The crows and raven sounds were really recorded in place too, they
are not an fx added. We used a portable Zoom recorder. The audio is not
from the Osmo Pocket camera itself. A second round of flute was
recorded to make a duet. Other than that there is only a supporter
drone which is a mix of sounds in the studio, including one pad made
out of the recorded voice of one of my fufunchis (Ritva, my rat) which
sounds New-Age but comes from the sampled squeaks of my rat (now gone) I
have the instrument of their voices so they can be part of my music.
Above, Ritva, an angel now, but her voice is featured as part of the humming drone all through the tune
About the “Incantations” project
Incantations is a little project I have recording outdoors. They are
usually short and improvised, most of the melodies are done in the spot
inspired by the place. Thus this one was called “On your Wings, the
Ravens Incantation” because the crows and ravens were hovering above me
while chanting. The Incantations are made as a way to channel Nature,
they are usually very short improvisations… I hope some of them will
become songs in their own right one day. In a way it is like the birth of a possible song in the simplest way, just letting myself flow and be inspired by my surroundings while I ground in Nature.
Above an image of the previous Incantation (Over the Clouds) which went viral uncredited 🙁
I am wearing again my hat from El Costurero Real and the reason why is because one of the previous Incantations went viral
several times but stolen, cutting my credit and watermark out of the
video and without even mentioning me. With over 4 million plays
scattered among a few groups and countless of shares on facebook, I
stumbled upon my own video without my name on it. I will make maybe a
post about it. Some of those groups even asked for money to restore my
name to my “stolen” video. But I could prove it was mine and some were
finally blocked. Still as in the previous one I was in in silhouette, I
decided to do a similar one wearing the witch hat but this time showing
my face. Let’s see what happens this time, but I am encouraged to
continue these series of short and sweet compositions outdoors.
I have created a playlist on my youtube channel with the Incantations and recordings in Nature
And this was the video that circulated out without control (if you ever stumble upon it)
Filming a new one as soon as the leaves unfold… but shifting my
colours into green… what do you think? Spring is drawing near and a
new Incantation along with it
Winter this year was very mild where I live, it has barely snowed a couple of times, so of course I had to go out to do the Wintry photoshoots I had planned when I had the chance. I got an unexpected surprise from my friends, Spanish Fantasy Clothing brand El Costurero Real, this pair of chiffon Cicada Wings. I love them because they remind me to my favourite movie, The Dark Crystal and I intend to do something very geeky with them. But meanwhile and to celebrate the few “late” snowfalls of the season (just when it feels that Spring is on the way) I have had several hikes that I’ll be sharing. I also had the chance to finish filming a videoclip that I had started the year prior and finally I was able to film the final sequences (but that for another post or the videoclip premiere)