Finally back in the woods… after almost 3 months we have moved on to phase 2 and finally I’m able to hike again… I’m elated and this is the result of my first visit to the forest. Being indoors has been hard to me but I understand the reason, still now we are finally allowed to hike and visit the orchard and it’s been like the world opening to me. Still keeping social distance and maybe I’ve not been the most active person on internet but been working on many new things that I will be dropping as soon as I finish. I am aware many things may have happened that I’m not even aware of but I hope some of you have missed me posting things 🙂 And to newcomers… well this is Pris! sharing a bit of green magic to you!
Continue reading “A Forest Incantatation: You are Home”Sweet Dreams are made of This (Cover)
Sweet Dreams (are made of) this… who am I to disagree? I’m kind of a vintage retro girl already 😉 and quite an insomniac so here a lullabyish version short cover of this 80s classic hit by Eurythmics (1983) in a lullaby soothing kind of mood . Recorded live in three takes, voice and harmonies For me this song and “Mad World” had that soothing yet slightly “bitter” quality. I’ve covered also TFF Mad World you can watch it here:… What are dreams really made of anyway? What are your favourite 80s songs, let me know in the comments! I always say a cover never beats an original so please make sure to check the ORIGINAL song by Eurythmics, it’s a classic!. This cover is just a tribute shout out to the original that you should check, originally sung by Annie Lennox and with more upbeat mood. This is more of candid dreamy take but please let me know your opinion. Hope you find it soothing. What are your favourite 80s/90s songs? Mine you will see as I drop one now and then, being this one of them, also Tears for Fears, Bowie, Depeche Mode, This Mortal Coil, Cocteau Twins and lots of film music Post your suggestions in the comments and let me know! Though most my channel is devoted to my original music I’m doing a series of very short covers to honour my influences. Songs that were on my Walkman as a child (yes, I’m that vintage), mostly 80s, early 90s and geeky fantasy movies. So that will be a separate playlist (covers) and I’ll try to share a candid take like this more often.
Leaves Never Settle In the Wind: Celtic Seasonal Autumn Song (Video, Making of and more…)
New original Celtic song inspired by Autumn that belongs to the series “Incantations”. Autumn is one of the most romantic seasons… the colours, the misty mornings, the productive working days indoors, sipping hot tea while it rains outside… It has always moved and inspired me. What’s your favourite thing of Autumn?
Song is available for download on my patreon (free for patrons)
You can also support purchasing from my shop (digital format)
Or you can purchase it from Bandcamp
Above: new music video click play to listen while you read 🙂
I know I post only scarcely lately but these take me long time, more now that my computer is so outdated, so I literally took almost a month since last video (last post) to get this done! 🙂

Flame: New SINGLE out now!

This is a song about the contradictions of love and our endless quest for it… It’s a very old song of mine but the recording is brand new and this is its fist “official” release.
So Flame is out on Spotify and all digital retailers like amazon, youtubemusic, itunes and so on… there will be a videoclip in a couple of days but meanwhile I’m trying to gather your impressions of the new song
How can I listen to it?
Stream from SPOTIFY
Download from ITUNES
My patrons have also the mp3 for free at
And for those not able to listen from these links yet, there will be a videoclip coming out on youtube in a few days
🙂 Stay tuned for the videoclip that will be likely on my next blogpost too
Here a couple of sneak peaks:

On your Wings (The Ravens Incantation) Video and Recording
A little magical Incantation along with the Ravens… Filmed 9/2/2019 in Zuriza (Spain)
Trying my Christmas present: My A key tin whistle
The flute I’m playing was my self Christmas present, an alto Irish tin Whistle in A key with an extra G hole. The maker is Shearwater Whistles and though an affordable brand I was quite pleased with the result. I bought if for myself on Christmas though I had to wait for it to be done. I finally could film this video a couple of weeks ago.
Location and Recording
Location is Zuriza (Spain, close to France border) barely a few weeks ago… It’s incredible how weather can change so drastically, it was all wintry white and now leaves and blooms are unfurling. The footage was filmed using a brand new toy, a handheld stabilized camera (Osmo Pocket) who was gifted to me by @hedac to do more vlogs (yes, yes I know, I must do more!!)
I’m wearing my hat from my friends El Costurero Real, self knitted mittens and a coat gifted by my friend Wui. It’s not leather but fabric and faux fur.
The crows and raven sounds were really recorded in place too, they are not an fx added. We used a portable Zoom recorder. The audio is not from the Osmo Pocket camera itself. A second round of flute was recorded to make a duet. Other than that there is only a supporter drone which is a mix of sounds in the studio, including one pad made out of the recorded voice of one of my fufunchis (Ritva, my rat) which sounds New-Age but comes from the sampled squeaks of my rat (now gone) I have the instrument of their voices so they can be part of my music.

Above, Ritva, an angel now, but her voice is featured as part of the humming drone all through the tune
About the “Incantations” project

Incantations is a little project I have recording outdoors. They are usually short and improvised, most of the melodies are done in the spot inspired by the place. Thus this one was called “On your Wings, the Ravens Incantation” because the crows and ravens were hovering above me while chanting. The Incantations are made as a way to channel Nature, they are usually very short improvisations… I hope some of them will become songs in their own right one day. In a way it is like the birth of a possible song in the simplest way, just letting myself flow and be inspired by my surroundings while I ground in Nature.
Above an image of the previous Incantation (Over the Clouds) which went viral uncredited 🙁
I am wearing again my hat from El Costurero Real and the reason why is because one of the previous Incantations went viral several times but stolen, cutting my credit and watermark out of the video and without even mentioning me. With over 4 million plays scattered among a few groups and countless of shares on facebook, I stumbled upon my own video without my name on it. I will make maybe a post about it. Some of those groups even asked for money to restore my name to my “stolen” video. But I could prove it was mine and some were finally blocked. Still as in the previous one I was in in silhouette, I decided to do a similar one wearing the witch hat but this time showing my face. Let’s see what happens this time, but I am encouraged to continue these series of short and sweet compositions outdoors.
I have created a playlist on my youtube channel with the Incantations and recordings in Nature
And this was the video that circulated out without control (if you ever stumble upon it)
Filming a new one as soon as the leaves unfold… but shifting my colours into green… what do you think? Spring is drawing near and a new Incantation along with it
- (you’re here ;-))
Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator
Away Reprise (Duet version) Video and Download

This song is about a longing for freedom that we learn to find eventually within ouselves. It was written is a little reprise of Away (one of the songs included in my first album Ancient Shadows back in 2006 that you can actually find at my youtube) but this version had different melody and lyrics and was never included in the albums. Lyrics are included at the end of this post. It has only been performed live during concerts usually with Hammered Dulcimer. I recorded a Live unedited version in July 2018 but last December my long time supporter and fellow singer Kenneth Élan aka Greenhearted from Puerto Rico recorded some harmonies over the live version. He did with permission to be an official release here, on my youtube and patreon .
- Here you can watch the video
- Download the mp3 for free from Patreon . Thank you very much to all my patrons especially those who “fly with me” (tier) Adrian Nunn, Rhianon Hutchinson and Alfredo Armas.
Music and lyrics, lead female vocal, piano, low whistle and recorder by Priscilla Hernandez at
Male vocal harmonies by Kenneth Elan aka. Greenhearted. Please visit his youtube channels Acoustic Dreams and Greenhearted

Away Reprise (Lyrics)
Oh so lost within
and nourished by pain
this tangle of fears
the bars of my cage
And ravened within
this broken bird
is yearning to fly
is yearning to reach the sky
But I’m longing to break
through that silken gossamer veil
gauzy clouds weave
with silver threads
and fly with the winds
that carry me away
Away… Away…
I wish I were safe
back in my shell
far beyond the furthest end
far away….
Lost Frontier Christmas Sampler: Full album (Compilation of New Age artists)

So here a belated Christmas present that as Three Wise men gift. Like every year Lost Frontier ( a well known New Age podcast in Spain) makes a compilation of exclusive recordings and Winter/Christmas songs absolutely FREE. I participated last year as well and this year I included my version of “In the Bleak Midwinter” but you can download the entire album for free and enjoy also some original soft electronic and New Age compositions by a long time family of New Age composer. This article also includes the cover, back and inlay so you can print it and have it in your collection but for more information and download visit the official link
Continue reading “Lost Frontier Christmas Sampler: Full album (Compilation of New Age artists)”In the Bleak Midwinter: Our Yule / Christmas Special from YIDNETH STUDIO
Every year I do a Christmas / Yule / Winter Special, this is the fourth year in a row and here is my version and video of the traditional Christmas/Yuletide Carol “In the Bleak Midwinter” (Public Domain) performed by myself and featuring my “deer” friend Hirvi and filmed mostly in Navarre, Spain where I’m fortunate to live. With this I want to wish all my friends, followers and supporters our best wishes from Yidneth Studio (me and @hedac).
It was released last Friday Night (the longest night of the year) though I’m sharing it now as yesterday I made a special performance/concert to celebrate the solstice.