The beginning of 2019 came with so many resolutions, I’m struggling to keep up but going at my pace… Nothing is done until it’s done, like one of my forthcoming songs says, so I have set my goals with no deadline, I just follow the task list and cross out a couple of things every day. Most important one is to nurture myself back to full health and for that I have started jogging again, fixing my messed sleep schedule, tidying my working environment and of course the best therapy of all… Nature.

So here just sharing a few impressions of today… Sunday 20th of January. It was cold and rainy but that didn’t stop us from going outdoors. I kept recording drafts of new songs while Héctor drove, just humming random things the views inspired. A rainbow seemed to be determining our route, as we decided to venture with no plan, just escaping from the the rain. For today we visited Sorogain forest (Navarre, Spain). The woods were deliciously wet and mossy.
The creek in which I usually take baths in Summer was unruly and tumultuous. The waters that are hyaline and clear in the warmer seasons was murky and riveted with froth. We wondered of the fish, tadpoles and newts that usually inhabit them.

The forest floor and green covered trunks show an striking contrast. Moss was almost “fluorescent green”, so vivid against the fallen leaves. We keep on stumbling upon strangely shaped creatures, like magic being concealed in moss. I usually call them “Mossy” (musgosos) or “Mossy Bears” and I have a large collection of photos I will like compile on one post.

We followed the trail uphill under the persistent rain and walked until Temperature dropped and hail started to fall… We feared snow might start to fall anytime and block the road, being away from civilization was not a good idea, yet in these cases you never know how fast a snowfall can block your way so we undo our path running!!!! yay! so that counts as jogging training today too, right?

As seasons flow once more it all turns bare and cold but save Green in your Heart (from my song Grow) Moss is one of the ways Green thrives in the bleak naked Winter. An evergreen promise of the life that will flourish soon.
Back in the car we enjoyed some comforting hot tea… and warmed our numb fingers.
And already looking forward to get lost in the woods again.

Pris, it’s really good to see you, to hear you’re doing well….
Very nice pix of a day given to exploring our real homes, the woods, trees and streams…..
Thank you Sam, I’m fortunate to have Nature close to be able to ground and heal in it… I’m undergoing kind of a “quiet” time but it was very much needed
Nuevo año y nuevas oportunidades. Qué maravilla de lugar. Un abrazo Yidneth.
Sí, intentando renovar algunas cosas que han de cambiar 🙂 Mis mejores deseos también