I am a December Child, it was my birthday yesterday 16th of December so here older and wiser with another Winter/Yule/Christmassy post… this time inspired by the Fairytale “The Snowbride” and the ethereal beauty of frost and snow… This one is a throwback and was released back in 2016 (I make a little winter special every year) and because Midwinter is just a few days away stay tuned because there is a brand new one that will premier next Friday Winter Solstice.
Winter Night (Poem/lyrics)
This was a short poem I wrote when I was very young and a few years ago It was provided music. One day I mean to make this song longer, but so far it’s the way it is, short and sweet. And ethereally frosty
With frost I´ll make your crown
With snow I´ll weave your gown
and dressed in sparkling white
you will bring the light
into this winter Night
All music composed, recorded and performed and sung by me (Priscilla Hernandez)
Inspired by Winter and several fairy tales : Yuki Onna, The Snow Queen and Snegurochka
As a child I was impressed by tales like “The Snow Maiden” ( Japanese Yuki-Onna) and The Snow Queen by Danish author Christian Andersen, and though both legends portray a cold hearted dangerous beauty I wanted to portray it in a more benevolent manner, maybe as the longing for the first snow… don’t we all long to tread on untrodden snow? I am myself wishing for it now.
In Russia the Snow Maiden is know as “Snegurochka” or “Snek (the world for snow ), mostly known for a XIX century fairy tale inspired in old traditional slavic Goddesses, and often depicted with fair hair and blue eyes. She is the daughter of Father Frost and Mother Spring. She sometimes appears as a blessing to childless couples as a daughter during Winter, but she would melt if falling in love.
Above the ethereal, frail and and fleeting beauty of frost
I had previously made a photoshoot inspired in this very same tale… and next Friday she may appear yet once more in brand new material (you’ll find out when it’s out)
Forthcoming Winter Special Premier and Yule concert
As I said next 21st I will be sharing the Winter Special of this year that will be the traditional carol In the Bleak MidWinter and then the 22nd I will be doing a concert next 22nd of December in Navarre, Spain. It will be private and just for a limited amount of people but I hope to get it filmed to share some videos here afterwards. So I’ve been preparing those things (and celebrating my birthday ;-)) and that’s why I’ve not been much around the last few days. Stay tuned and stop by next Friday for the new 2018 Christmas video (still working on it)
Birthday girl recap 🙂
So due to rainy weather I had to stay indoors and our plan to hike to a cave was cancelled but It was sweet and cozy… 🙂 My friend María invited us over to have dinner and gifted me a leaf pendant, and then back home Héctor made me wait past midnight for the presents.
Héctor gifted me a coffee mug (in fact, a pair of coffee mugs) featuring my “Official yidneth logo”… I’m seriously considering to do some merchandise with my drawings/art, I don’t know if there would be demand for such a thing but I am in love with it and thinking about doing a short run or merchandise featuring my artworks (besides the already published music illustrated books that you can find already at yidneth.com). Would you be interested in t-shirts, mugs and apparel featuring my artworks?

@hedac also gifted me something that is on the way, so it will be my Christmas present (I’ll remain mysterious) that will allow me to finally vlog more consistently. It’s kind of one of my resolutions for next year :).
I also have launched a patreon website (though I’ll make a separate post for that) but if you wish, please consider to support too at: https://patreon.com/yidneth
All photos were taken in Aralar, Navarre (Spain) in collaboration with @hedac