Hope is more important that ever. The Wheel of the Year closes and it’s time for renewal as we continue with the Yuletide/Christmas mood fom YIDNETH studio with my version of “The Closing of the Year” (cover from the soundtrack TOYS (1992)) a very underrated fantasy movie from the early 90s. I made this one for last Yuletide/Christmas greetings but stay tuned because a brand new Christmas song will premier very soon (working on the edit right now). This version is very one minute long but I performed all instruments and vocals and edited the video myself filmed last December.
MP3 IS AVAILABLE FOR +1 PATRONS IN THIS POST: https://www.patreon.com/posts/closing-of-year-16132213
I think all my my fellows here will feel identified with the lyrics of this one. HOPE is more important than ever… the Wheel of the Year is ending and yes, there have been some mishaps, but hope is the light, the guide and the key… and be grateful for what we have… what is really worth… us
If I cannot bring you comfort
then at least I’ll bring you hope
For nothing is more precious
than the time we have and so
we must all learn from small misfortune
Count the blessings that are real
Let the bells ring out from Christmas
At the closing of the year
Renewing our resolutions at the closing of the year
A cycle ends, we keep what made us happy and we let go the things that frustrated us. We start with fresh resolutions as Winter the dark season brings back the light… Isn’t that a lovely contradiction, that the darkest colder season is precisely the one that is bringing back the light… let’s think about that.
If I cannot bring you comfort then at least I’ll bring you hope
As for me the whole year has been full of ups and downs but I will try to cover that in a separate post later on this month. Just want to say only that this is is a very special time not only I am a December Child (My birthday is 16th of December), the Winter’s Solstice, longest night of the year also means the return of Light (little by little and day by day) and of course it’s the perfect time to renew old resolutions and dream and hope for new ones. And yes I do get “moody” around this time of the year thinking about what I haven’t accomplished but also hopeful of the reset and fresh start that approach. And then I hold on to what I have done and what I need to be grateful for. So I wish you all the very best and happy holidays, and thanks immensely for your support. And that is why I encouraged myself to open a Patreon, to open new “windows”
So as you see I am sharing all the Christmas specials I’ve done so far (check previous posts with “Carol of the Bells” video and mp3) as I’m also preparing a brand new one “In the Bleak Midwinter” that will be out before Yule (21st of December).
The Closing of the year was my special last Yule. MP3 will be added on “downloads” free for patrons.
This is a little excerpt of one of my favourite Christmas Carols, The Closing of the Year¨ from the movie Toys (1992) a very underrated fantasy movie from the early 90s. The movie was indeed strange but had the most curious score featuring different artists, I remember vividly this song (I know it was part of a longer song I only cover the little part that was sung in the movie) and I think I’ve sung it every Christmas since :). So instead of humming it at home I decided to do this very simple and short version dressed in Yuletide colours.
Yuletide Spirit: Reds and Greens
I made the wreath myself using fake Christmas ornaments with led lights operated by batteries and evergreen elements (holy and fir needles) which meaning I explained in my previous post (at the end of the article I post a list of all Christmas/Yule articles). I matched all the garments in green and reds. The beautiful green cloak was a gift made by my friends from fantasy clothing brand El Costurero Real.
We filmed most of it in Quinto Real Forest. It was very windy and there was a blizzard… so if you ask if I was cold… it was absolutely freezing but the mist, the blizzard and the blustery day added a lot of the mood.
The song ends with twelve bells, one for each day of Yule, or maybe the last twelve bells of the year…
Guest appearance of Peti the robin
During the video you will see a tiny little European Robin spreading its wings and taking flight…

Above, photography of “Peti” that’s how we call all European Robins, Héctor and I always joke it’s the same one that comes to greet us every hike and we film footage of them, somehow he has become one of my birdie starlets and he’s even featured in some of my drawings. I have loved Robins ever since I read “The Secret Garden” as a child. You will see more of “Peti” (from Petirrojo, robin in Spanish) in future works.
Above: Still of the Robin birdie starlet while we wre filming
Credits in this version: Priscilla Hernandez: vocals, synths, tin and low whistle “The Closing of the Year” belongs to TOYS (OST) movie soundtrack. Most of the footage filmed by Héctor Corcín, December 2017, Quinto Real, Navarra Spain
Forthcoming Yuletide concert
To celebrate Yule (Winter’s Solstice) I will offer a small concert next 22nd in Navarra, Spain featuring this Christmas songs. I will try to get it filmed to share video afterwards. We may even be able to stream but I am not sure yet if technically possible. Also we want to premier our brand new Xmas greeting for this year very very soon, meanwhile more seasonal related posts are being shared to build up the moods.