Happy Belated National Unicorn Day
9th of April was Unicorn day and though I am a little bit late for the Unicorns party, I have taken this celebration as an encouragement to write this article. So I am sharing some Unicorn photography, my own version of “The Last Unicorn” soundtrack main theme (one of my favourite movies ever) as well as my Unicorn books, movies, thoughts and musings.
A magical and mythological creature
Gentle, pure, magical… the Unicorn is often portrayed as a white a horse or goat-like creature with hooves and a single spiral horn. Thus it has been depicted in countless cultures, tales and legends from different times and places since Antiquity. As mysterious as recurrent, it is probably one of the best known mythical creatures. As Unicorns does not exist (sorry) they are considered a “cryptozoology” creature and there are no fossil records to prove their existence. Still they are mentioned in many medieval field notebooks and Naturalist manuscripts. In fact in the Middle Ages, Unicorn horns allegedly had power to heal any sickness and to clean poisoned water. The Tusk of the cetacean narwhal was sometimes sold as unicorn horn in apothecaries and markets. Click above to listen to my cover of “The Last Unicorn” soundtrack while you read the full article. All instruments/voice by myself.
Happy Belated National Unicorn Day
9th of April was Unicorn day and though I am a little bit late for the Unicorns party, I have taken this celebration as an encouragement to write this article. So I am sharing some Unicorn photography, my own version of “The Last Unicorn” soundtrack main theme (one of my favourite movies ever) as well as my Unicorn books, movies, thoughts and musings.
A magical and mythological creature
Gentle, pure, magical… the Unicorn is often portrayed as a white a horse or goat-like creature with hooves and a single spiral horn. Thus it has been depicted in countless cultures, tales and legends from different times and places since Antiquity. As mysterious as recurrent, it is probably one of the best known mythical creatures. As Unicorns does not exist (sorry) they are considered a “cryptozoology” creature and there are no fossil records to prove their existence. Still they are mentioned in many medieval field notebooks and Naturalist manuscripts. In fact in the Middle Ages, Unicorn horns allegedly had power to heal any sickness and to clean poisoned water. The Tusk of the cetacean narwhal was sometimes sold as unicorn horn in apothecaries and markets.
Above: Always on the hunt… the horns of Unicorns hold great power
Unicorns are symbols of purity and magic. I started this year in some sort of purification journey with hopes and dreams renewed. Unicorns are often associated with the Moon and feminine energy.
My cover of The Last Unicorn main theme

The song you are listening to in this article is Fan-tribute cover of one of my favourite animated movies “The Last Unicorn” (1982) based in the book by Peter. S. Beagle. (Not listening? press PLAY at the beginning of the post)
The original was performed by folk rock band “America” (guess where they were from) and composed by Jimmy Webb. The original version is so lush, symphonic and pretty, please be sure to check it out, as well as this rare lovely movie from the early 80s. The entire soundtrack is incredible, includes orchestration by the London Symphony Orchestra and several songs performed by America band. Other tracks featured the voice actors of the film as guests, including stars like Alan Arkin, Jeff Bridges, Mia Farrow, Angela Lansbury and Christopher Lee. I love film music and I was an avid collection of soundtracks.
Does the Irish whistle riff reminds you to popular Titanic main theme? Well, this one was made many years prior and certainly do your research of the original, as my version is rather spontaneous and humble. It is a rare movie but remembered by many with fondness. Did you know it? Highly recommended for those who love fantasy.
I recorded a more Celtic version of the main theme, all in one afternoon and It is not even properly mixed or mastered. My skills at the guitar are limited but I’m sort of proud I could layer it up. I have been considering to record this song again or at least improve the sound, but I honestly did it for fun as a shout-out to one of a fond childhood memory. I am aware the audio quality is not the best, and the reverb too wet but I hope you enjoy the recording all the same. It’s me acoustic on guitar, harp, Irish low whistle and recorder. Then I added a few layers of backing vocals. Nothing too pretentious, it doesn’t eclipse the original which is absolutely delightful. My take on it is maybe a bit more “ethereal” and folk-ish sounding.
The Last Unicorn (Lyrics)
When the last eagle flies over the last crumbling mountain
And the last lion roars at the last dusty fountain
In the shadow of the forest though she may be old and worn
They will stare unbelieving at the last unicorn
When the first breath of winter through the flowers is icing
And you look to the north and a pale moon is rising
And it seems like all is dying and would leave the world to mourn
In the distance hear the laughter of the last unicorn
I’m alive, I’m alive
When the last moon is cast over the last star of morning
And the future has passed without even a last desperate warning
Then look into the sky where through the clouds a path is torn
Look and see her how she sparkles, it’s the last unicorn
I’m alive, I’m alive
Written by Jimmy Web
Above: Recent pictures of me as an Unicorn in the magical beech wood of Urbasa (Navarre, Spain). The pictures are inspired in this sentence from the lyrics When the first breath of Winter through the flowers is icing they will stare unbelieving at the last Unicorn. These were taken recently.
Unicorn in movies: The Last Unicorn

Theatrical Official poster of the Fantasy animated Movie “The Last Unicorn” (1982) showing The Last Unicorn against the antagonist “The Red Bull”. Based on the novel by Peter S. Beagle and produced and directed by Rankin/Bass Productions, an artistic team and company that provided us with wonderful animated jewels like “The Hobbit”, “Flight of Dragons” (that I will cover in another blog post) and “The Last Unicorn” among others.
The book that is based upon is even more superior. Written by screenwriter and novelist Peter S. Beagle and published in 1968, it tells the story of “The Last Unicorn” on her quest to find others of her kin. On her journey she is transformed into a beautiful maiden Lady Almathea**** on her journey she discovers friendship, also love and regret. It is a bittersweet story and it has many elements of tragic romance. But I do not want to spoil it writing down in depth details of the plot. Curiously during my life I’ve been frequently compared to Lady Almathea and Princess Melisande, both NOT Disney’s but Rankin Bass animated movies female leads, from The Last Unicorn and Flight of Dragons respectively. I am not going to deny I love the comparison as the geeky fantasy nerd I am.
You can strike your own time, and start the count anywhere. When you understand that — then any time at all will be the right time for you.― Peter S. Beagle, The Last Unicorn
Below: Me cosplaying “Lady Almathea” In the movie she has almost white hair and a lilac gown. Lady Almathea is the last of her kin, an unicorn disguised in “maiden” shape.
Read more info about this movie here The Last Unicorn
Other Unicorn movies: The Last Unicorn, Legend and Unico
There are movies including these mythical and mystical creatures as key. Always on the hunt and endangered due to the magic powers bestowed upon them. A representation of light, of what is pure.
Another good example of movie featuring Unicorns in its plot is Legend
directed by Ridley Scott in 1985 and starring Tom Cruise, Tim Curry and
Mia Sarah. Though enchanted and a remarkable example of fantasy cinema,
Legend suffered its own ambition and its irregular and at points even
tedious. It suffered several edits and even a confusing change of the
entire score when re-released (from orchestral soundtrack by Jerry
Goldsmith to electronic ambient by Tangerine Dream). The result was
uneven yet I found fit to mention. Click here to find more info about
Unicorns make cameos now and then, like in the more recent fantasy movie Stardust (2007) and The Secret of Moonacre (2008).
I will highlight though another remarkable example, the cute manga from the 70s Unico (ユニコ Yuniko) by Osamu Tezuka, that was translated into Anim. Probably the best known out of several adaptations was the movie “The Fantastic Adventures of Unico” (1981). More info about this movie on IMDB here
If you want to share other appearances… please drop them in the comments 🙂
My favourite books about Unicorns: De Historia et Veritatis Unicornis

Above: my copy of De Historia et veritatis Unicornis and an Unicorn pendant I made myself.
Literally translated from Latin as “On the History and Truth about Unicorns” An irresistible and delicious treat… A book presented in the shape of a XV century manuscript, a Codex Unicornis
describing the symbolism, their habits, all lushly illustrated in a way
you really believe you are reading to an old document from the
Renaissance. The drawings draw inspiration from Leonardo Da Vinci. The
handwritten plates, the sketches… all the details are taken into
account to make it look like a facsimile, something not meant to be
shared or found… an occult knowledge, a secret unveiled. In fact we
are teased to believe that the artist and illustrator Michael Green only
handed the document, previously protected by a secret Brotherhood.
There are even conspiracy theories wanting to make this book real
Now a rare find, some editions are really pricey. I bought my copy
in the late eighties and it still remains as one of my highlighted reads
in my “myths and legends” library and archive.
Besides Peter S. Beagle novel that I mentioned before which I already stated is another one of my childhood fiction favourites… another book I would highlight is “The Book of the Unicorn” illustrated by Linda and Roger Garland.
And that’s all…
Weave magic
Drift to that place where Unicorns, mermaids, ghosts are real…
right there… where you can imagine them…
We are not always what we seem, and hardly ever what we dream.
― Peter S. Beagle, The Last Unicorn
All photographs (c) Priscilla Hernandez
Priscilla Hernandez
singer-songwriter & illustrator