Above: me as “Autumn” dress and crown made by myself 🙂

Autumn is my favourite of all seasons :). I honestly love them all but I grew in a tropical island where “The Fall” would never take place. Even then I had already written “I steal the leaves” one of the first songs I ever shared online (I steal the leaves but I´ll bring them back in Spring…) and first time I saw the leaves changing colours I was amazed. So that bright, colourful period where all colours shift infuse my spirit with magic… 🙂 I always have loved Nature 🙂 but for a while I lived in a big city and some years ago I returned to a quieter life closer to the healing Mother. I hike a lot, and as you all know I love fantasy (music, literature, costumes) and I love to dress up a lot :)… I upload fantasy pictures regularly to my instagram account
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