Above: me wearing my Spanish Luna Moth wings by Xorroxin Waterfall (Navarre, Spain)
Last week my friends Estela and Nalian came to visit and our first hike was to visit this well known waterfall and pond in Navarre, Spain. We parked in a little village called Gorostapolo. The village is very small and there are some days you will have to park in the previous village, Erratzu and walk a mile or two from there. From Gorostapolo is a very short hike of just about a mile through the woods.

Me and fellow adventurers of the day Estela, Naliam and me (instagram usernames in pic)
There are wetlands with mud so proper hiking boots are recommended as the trail can get very slippery.
Some shots of our hiking trail, pics taken with my phone
I think there were goblins concealed from our human eyes… though their disguise sometimes failed a little bit… Can you spot the goblin in this picture? I think he was not very pleased I got him on camera, haha!
Can you spot the goblin in this picture. A pareidolia is when you can find shapes and faces where they are not meant to be
So me and my friends followed the hiking trail to reach two waterfalls, the first one is smaller and then the well known Xorroxin Cascade which is a smaller exact replica of the bigger one. The year before I came to this very place as I almost missed the fact the big waterfall was just some meters away but you can hear the unmistakeable roar of the water falling and if you continue you reach the well known Xorroxin cascade splashing over a glorious and very deep pond.
Small Xorroxin and big Xorroxin… some hikers think it’s the small one but you have to go on for the real deal
I had packed my Spanish Luna Moth wings Graellsia Isabellae in my rucksack. Graellsias Moths are present in this region. And I usually and conveniently dress in green (shifting to golden and brows for Autumn now). So I just had to take them out for these pictures.The wings were made by a clothing brand run by some fellow designer friends El Costurero Real. They have been running for over a decade creating fantasy clothing and we have collaborated many times. Next October I’ll perform a concert for their new store opening in Barcelona.
Graellsia Isabellae or Spanish Luna moth is a very rare moth that lives in this area of Spain I live in. Difficult to spot but amazingly beautiful.
My beautiful friend Estela Naïad also tried the Graellsia wings. Isn’t she a gorgeous prerraphaelite fae?

Autumn is here now… and as if weather knew we have shifted seasons everything is cooler and moodier… Still I don’t lose hope of some warm days to come to swim on fresh waters… Though it seems likely this was my last time during this season. Somehow though, I’m looking forward the colder weather, it always activate my creative juices, more indoor times along with a hot mug of tea… days of painting and creating music ahead… But we warned, rain can’t keep me away from the woods during weekends 🙂 So there will be many autumnal and wintry adventures to come!

Me taking a bath… Water was FREEZING brr but invigorating… I will miss swimming in freshwater creeks and ponds
This time my partner Hector Corcín stayed at home, or maybe he was that Charming Prince in disguise…
Above, my Charming Prince… he was so utterly handsome… I’m still infatuated
Later that week me, Héctor Corcín, Naliam and Estela performed together along with Enrique Galdeano in a local Oak forest to celebrate the Autumn Equinnox with an outdoors concert and performance, but that I will cover in a forthcoming post 🙂
And to finish the article a mosaic with impressions of the day

Pictures taken by except the ones of me taken by my friend Estela with my phone and her camera and edited by myself.
Wings by my friends from El Costurero Real (Spanish fantasy clothing brand)
Priscilla Hernandez (me) http://instagram.com/yidneth (composer, singer, illustrator)
Estela Naïad: http://instagram.com/estelanaiad (photographer, dancer, multidisciplinary artist)
Naliam Caronte: http://instagram.com/naldrogo (videographer, musician)