A tribute to THE DARK CRYSTAL: Gelfling Song (Voice, double Ocarina) and excited about Age of Resistance TV series.
The Dark Crystal (1982) is my favourite movie and soundtrack of all time. Directed by Jim Henson and Frank Oz, this movie was pure magic! I am now a musician and I am forever grateful to the magic JIM HENSON created for the children of my generation. This is a fan tribute, a cover of cover of “Gelfling Song” from THE DARK CRYSTAL original movie score performed by myself singing and with a double Ocarina. We also recorded all the critters and audio sound FX ourselves. Recorded in Navarre, Summer 2019.
One of my biggest influences as an artist
As some of you know, I’m currently a fantasy artist, I compose music and also do fantasy illustrations. One of my major influences was this movie, when I was barely a child. For me it was always the most magical movie, where there were no humans but just otherwordly amazing little creatures. The music composed by Trevor Jones was a mix of folk and epic symphonic soaring the motifs that were with me as I grew up. I had the vinyl which remains for me “my desert island” album.
I grew up being a fan of all things Henson, from The Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, Fraggle Rock, Storyteller, The Muppets… He infused my childhood with magic and wisdom and a wish to be a better person, and a creative one. Still among all his works, this was my favourite, because the meaning is deep and rooted even deeper in my mind. We are light and darkness, and we must seek BALANCE.

Learn to love your shadows

Above: Me with an “Skeksis” because they’re not all that bad you know
The movie involves a crystal cracking and two races appearing, cruel Skeksis represents our sins and vices, gentle Mystics or UrRu represents peacefulness and crafts but are also a bit alienated from the world. The whole movie revolves about “healing” the Dark Crystal which results in the need of “merging” them into a balanced Primeval Race again the Ur-Skeks
Of course I have some pieces of memorabilia :). Above me with Gelflings Jen and Kira dolls.
Among lots of memorabilia and merchandising hahah π
I had a dog Fizzgig and a dog called Kira… that pretty sums it up π
Netflix will release a prequel Series next 30th of August
I’m so excited!!!
Age of Resistance is a series based in this movie that will premiere later this month. For me it’s exciting because many people from the new generations will re-discover the magic of the old film. I have many friends involved artistically in it including the Frouds who were the original designers of the movie. I’ve had the honour to meet them as guests of many conventions we’ve both attended and in fact I have performed The Dark Crystal snippets for them when they attended some of my concerts. They designed the puppets and overall look of the original movie and they’re on board for the series so I trust it’s gonna be AWESOME!
Are you excited about the prequel series reboot? I hope many rediscover the magic of the original movie too. If you haven’t watched it I urged you to do and check the making of. It was an amazing effort at the time it was made all with practical FX.
If you haven’t watched this movie I urge you to investigate about it, overall as I mentioned earlier on it is a story of BALANCE.

Filming locations
The video is entirely filmed in Navarre (Spain) most of it barely some weeks ago π
Most of the video was filmed in a very secret pond I often visit. It’s
hidden in the middle of the woods and despite what it looks deep enough
for a comforting swim. Additional scenes were filmed in other more
stagnant waters to mimic the original “swamp” vibe from the original
movie. We visited some more stagnant ponds and swamps for the matter for
some additional takes and sounds.
I tried to included close ups of different creatures, because even if they are “earthy” if you look very closely some creatures look otherwordly… you all reemember “Kokeneli” and that I had a pet isopod right?

Recording the audio

Above: Backing vocals by the creatures of the pond
All the Nature Sound FX were also recorded using a portable Zoom microphone and that included general pond ambience, water gurgling, frogs and crickets. We (@hedac and I) layered all the sounds to create a “swamp” sonic soundscape similar to the one featured in the original movie. It was one of the funniest parts of the making of.
I tried to sing in a way my voice would recall a little bit to Kira’s intonation in the original.
In the original movie the song is performed by two Gelflings, Jen playing a double flute or “aulos” and Kira singing.

Above: Double Ocarina with my “yidneth” logo engraved
Cosplay : Recreating a Gelfling Look
I had previously recorded a cover from this very movie “Jen Play his pipes” so this is my second tribute to this (my favourite) movie. This time though I tried to evoke the looks.
The wings were a courtesy from my friends at El Costurero Real, they are based on Cicada wings which are similar to the ones Gelfling girls have. I also thank Folk Owl for the green capelet. The rest of the look was layering greens and using and styling a wig with bangs and braids.
Easter Eggs : Find “Fizzgig” and the “fufunchi”
As in almost every video I do there is a rat or “fufunchi” hidden.
Even if my “fufunchis” have been gone a while I still composite them
into the videos (so they’re still with me) and it has become kind of an
“Easter Egg”. Let’s see if someone can spot her. :). You can find a
ratty also in other videos like Flame, A Blooming Heart, Haunted,
Ethereal among others.
Dare to find Tuula in the video?
The second Easter Egg I’m gonna give it away, you can spot “Fizzgig” among the other creatures π

I had already recorded another cover of The Dark Crystal some years ago (another theme though)
This is NOT the first but the second cover I do for this movie, many years ago I had already covered “Jen Play his Pipes” also from the original movie score, that time recorded live at the Bodmin Forests (UK)
Above: Older cover from another Dark Crystal theme “Jen Play his Pipes”
Final Notes
I know this last month I have not been much around but all August I’m embarked on a self-care month. It has been pretty rough lately, mostly struggling to sleep and low spirits, but thanks to whoever enquired, I’ve not left, π even if I post little I try to check in and I take FOREVER to make these but be sure you’ll be updated of my music releases as always π I have started meditation and muscular relaxation and I’ll do a workshop that takes the whole month, but starting to feel results. Trying to get better in many different levels. π So a bit off the loop but “not gone” π still thanks to whoever was concerned and reached out.