Above: Me wearing all the gifts from a dear friend and laying on a field of wild garlic. Story and article about Wild garlic below. All pictures taken last weekend (20h of May) where I lay on a carpet of wild garlic flowers
I have been sharing too also my love for Nature. There is a series of article blog posts I have been sharing called “The blooming series” and here is another entry 🙂
A surprise box full of love from a dear friend
As introduction of this post I wanted to say that these year has been a bit complicated for me. So my friend Kelly Miller
(singer from Neofolk band Woodland and solo project Rosa Mundi), my
sweet fairy sister from overseas sent me a surprise box full of “love”
to cheer me up.
I opened the parcel and the first thing I found were Rowan berries
added for its protection (and it did made it safe all across the ocean
that separates us) and a necklace made out of them. There was a note
so you don’t forget the Goddess that you are
I started sobbing… I have not felt that well these past few months and I confess I have felt everything but so…
I know she also refers to “Yidneth” my story… my alter ego almost… She wishes me well and strong… special
And I try not to forget… I dried my tears and kept on exploring that
little box from so far away… She often hums to me back my own song Don´t be sad. As if I needed someone else to utter my own words.
So the rest of the box had more treasures… a moon silver circlet made by herself and a matching moon choker, and the most gorgeous organic cotton green lace dress… Of course it had to be green. She knows me well.
And finally some chocolates and candy (pear, my favourites).
All the little details and notes… It was like if a Fairy Godmother had put there a dress for Cinderella.
But Cinderella had to do her chores a little bit longer and was very
tired to attend to the ball… She probably missed it, but as forest
nymph I prefer a solitary dance beneath the shady canopy, that at this
time of the year shines almost fluorescent green as newborn leaves
unfold into lush green

A picture of Kelly and me And Showhite and Rose Red (Grimm Fairytale) (I love you tons!)
So the box awaited for the right moment, just some days ago… And they made a magical transformation, just like Cinderella but from the inside…
The Spring Forest
Last weekend as usual I hiked with Héctor, and we stumbled upon a lovely location. I had brought the gift box with me, because I wanted to send my friend some pictures of me wearing the gifts she had bestowed upon me, and I don’t mean the dress or the crown, but the confidence, the love and her thoughts for my well being an protection.
I hurried to try it on, the light was getting dim and the moment was fleeting but we managed to take these shots.
The aroma of wild garlic was strong… and there I laid until the last
rays of golden light engulfed the forest floor in darkness. All was
covered in white pallid flowers… These posts are about blooming after
all… but flowers are sometimes just the metaphor.
Above: A carpet of blooms… Allium Ursinum growing on a beechwood in Navarra (May 2018)
These carpets appear usually on damp
but well drained soil in deciduous forests protected by the shade of the
canopy when the new leaves grow in Spring. I confess I would always
chose and prefer a wild flower over a garden cultivated one… 🙂
I love hiking and I do every weekend… It heals me… I have posted about forest bathing before… I always feel rejuvenated afterwards.
Wood Garlic or Bear’s garlic
Alium ursinum also known as “wild garlic”, “bear garlic” or “ramsons” is a bulbous perennial plant native of Europe and Asia, belonging to the Liliaceae family and relative to the chives. They have semiespherical umbel-like inflorescence that holds up to 20 star shaped white flowers clusters on leafless stalks. The leaves are born from the bulb itself. They bloom mid Spring and early Summer. The species spread by rhizomes and self-seeding forming these amazing colonies on the Spring forest floor.
Culinary use of Wild garlic
The small elongated bulbs are a favourite of bears, that is why its latin name is Allium Ursinum comes from Ursus (Bear) as brown bears use to dig for the bulbs that they find invigorating and it helps to cleanse toxins after their winter slumber).
Wild boars also love them. Sadly bears disappeared recently from my region forests but there are still boars. Deer usually ignore them and dislike the taste.
The whole forest floor was covered with them like a tapestry! And the smell of garlic was noticeable. Both leaves and flowers are edible and can be used in salads but you have to be careful not to mistake them as there are similar plants that are poisonous like Lilly of the Valley or Wild Arum (Lords and Ladies) . In case of doubt the smell of garlic in Allium Ursinum is unmistakeable and distinct if you pick one of them. Their taste is a mix of onion and garlic. Dry leaves can be turned into crisp snacks. You can even boil the stems and eat them as spaghetti, once cooked the taste is less pungent. In many European countries soup is made of it (the same way nettle soup is done) but a cream-like pesto is also popular for seasoning. Usually the bulbs are too small for cooking so only the leaves are collected and once it’s in bloom they can taste already a little bit bitter. In the XIX it was given to cows so the milk used to make butter would taste slightly like garlic. It was also told to protect the cattle from disease as it can protect against viruses. Then it was removed precisely because of the flavour as it lost popularity. There are evidence of foraying these flowers since the Mesolithic.
Medicinal properties
Eat leeks in Lide March and ramsins in May
And all the year after physitians may play.
(XVII century proverb)
It is very known for this reason and
its medicinal properties in Ireland to ward off respiratory diseases
like flu or cold or even to apply on wounds. In Ancient Greek it was
used also against snake bite, and a myriad of uses is reported all
throughout the countries it grows in. It is a heart protector and blood
purifier, detoxifies and improves digestion helping in stomach problems
and even skin disorders as it boosts our immune system. They’re
properties are even stronger than the domesticated garlic relative and
it was named “Plant of the year” in 1992
They have been proved to lower your risk of cancer and other chronic
diseases, including arthritis. It can be taken orally or also applied as
ointments and poultices.
And the most important thing of all 😉
In folklore they are told to be used to bring good luck as it deters fairies and goblins.
And remember Mother Nature is wise and giving. Be grateful.
Above: me with my hand made Lunula circlet in silver, gift from my dear friend Kelly Miller-Lopez
PD: I have been told that this happens also in the British Isles with bluebells, sadly we don’t have them here (North of Spain) but I would love to behold such glorious spectacle one Spring.